Sunday 8 April 2018

Mothers Day Ride: Nairobi - Machakos - Wote - Makindu(Hunters Lodge) - Emali Nairobi

I had seen several posts on facebook (FB) narrating about the beautiful sceneries and the exhilarating twisties. I had not given it much of a thought, though Wote was on #My2015RideItList and in the meantime was planning for the Magadi and Central Kenya ride. But... a big one "BUT" a friends post on FB made me fast tract and do this ride.(Looked for it on her page but I could not find it) but then its this view..

Mothers day! It so happened I was seeing off my Mother to Mombasa..........., (a lot happened that's between Mother n Son) and after she set-off it all began, not quite.... Stopped at my mechanic's garage to sort out my head lamp bulb only to find out they had closed business ( I guess to celebrate mothers day). The skies were clear, and was expecting to be back in nairobi before dark "We would not let a bulb ruin it, after all we rode from Kiambu to Naivasha road with only the indicator and partking lights" so I gave #BabyLuella a pat (in this context its revving up) she responded well and off we weny afterafter fue up.
The Open Skies

Mombasa road was captivating and scary to say the least, from speeding Subaru's, Mark X's, lousy Toyotas & Nissans to the not so friendly transist trailer drivers who were overtaking forcing me to ride on the cycling/pedestrian ways (i raised my middle finger to one who almost pushed me out of the cycling lane).

Camera Check
Had planned to have a pit stop at Machakos junction, but with the delays on msa road due to traffic we had to catch up with time, so she (babyluella) picked up speed upto 135km on the speedo on the not so busy machakos road. Waaallah! machakos as always, busy at 1120Hrs with the 7-seater kangaroo matatus and the long chase upcountry busses honking to the max to confuse passangers if not to woe. Stopped at Naivas Macha, grabbed my breakfast and left the town to a silent down hill section of Machakos - Wote road to have my breakfast and Luella to cool down...

BabyLuella Cooling Off

Breakfast on the road

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Easter Weekend Ride: Nairobi -to-Namanga and Nairobi-To-Narok and back

"When you set your mind to do something, not even sore shoulders and fatigue can deter you"

Namanga and Narok Ride

Had just done a rendezvous ride to Namanga town with a really close buddy (cheeky he is) the previous day. The ride to Namanga was quite an experience itself, exposed to the harsh weather "heavy down pour" which affected visibility to an extent I could not see the cager 10 metres ahead of me. Determined to get to Namanga before 8pm, baby Luella (My Bike) and I were having our first experiences, getting soaked up in rain and it was taking its toll on me as my rain suit was dripping water into my inner trousers and into my boots.

My psyke for the ride was at it's lowest when heavy rain drops fell on my suit and I could feel the impact on my skin, but Luella kept on moving, she did not let my low spirits affect her first long ride and supposedly an international ride, yes we had plans of crossing over to Tanzania. The weather changed after Kajiado town, and we picked up speed to cover the time lost (she is good at it). We managed to get to Namanga exactly 15 minutes after our set time not to forget a stop over at the clean and lovely Bissil town. I really loved it's glow in the dark from a far as we were descending down the gentle Maasai land plains.

We mate my buddy who had already started his escapades around the town and He had already crossed the border in search of good food and night out joints on the Tanzanian soil. Baby Luella and I got jealous for a moment and though at that time we did not really know our way around the town, we just knew we'll have to cross over before the rooster crows.

The Famous Kilimanjaro Premium Larger and  350ml Coca Cola bottles
The taste Though

We managed to cross over to Tanzania 3Km from No Mans Land, lovely roads, humble but very laid back people. We had supper in Tz and went out for the night, though disappointed all night but it was an experience all the same. To my guess we expected what the town couldn't offer for the night. Luella and I left Namanga, the town we came to realise everybody knows each other from the previous nights experiences and tales from my friends experiences. Fuelled up at the edge of town, rode up to the open road under the afternoon sun, lovely scenery's with the backdrop of Ol Donyo Orok Hill on our our rear view.

We made it to Nairobi with no incident, the grin on my face could explain it all that we had fan, Luella's evidence was her muddy engine. She took her rest while I struggled carrying my now heavy boots up the stairwell to my first floor apartment where I had recently moved in. took a hot bath, ate what was in the fridge as it was and tucked myself under the duvet on the sofa and slept.

Walk up at 8a.m Monday (The day of the Narok ride), felt weird as I'm always an early riser, "the wake up alarms dint ring today!", so I thought, but i slept like a baby and couldn't here the 4 times the phone rang, 4:30am, 5am, 7am and 7:30am............

To be continued,,,.............